Castle Court Apartments Castle Rock, Colorado

Castle Court is a beautiful little property located in the heart of downtown Castle Rock.

  • DateCastle Court Apartments, Castle Rock, Colorado
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The exterior is made of wood, block, and stucco. We purchased this property because it is perfectly positioned to benefit from the redevelopment of the area as envisioned by the Castle Rock Economic Development Council. Which when completed will have quaint shops, trendy boutiques and unique dining. The property contains 34 units some with very unique characteristics. Based on the location of the asset, the potential to raise below-market rents, and the emerging market, this asset provides an excellent opportunity for growth while enjoying the benefits of a stable asset.

Since the acquisition and recently the sale of the property our investing partners had 50% higher returns on their investment than anticipated. This is not only because of our purchasing strategy but because of how our business model is designed to be engaged in the property and the tenants from acquisition to sale of the property.

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